System.out.println(“Hello world”);

Bored in your chair (sofa, tube, I hope not driving ..) you've got to this post and you're wondering why and what am I doing here?

Well I am not the one to answer you this question I wish I could! I wouldn't be writing here but calling you directly. Instead I'll try to make you enjoy these next five minutes reading.

My name is Pablo Aldana. I was born in the 80s in a small city in the south west of Spain. It was a time where technology was not iPhones, SaaS, Fintech, smart cities... No! Technology was an analog TV, Being a fanboy meant listening to music in your Walkman, and playing in the street with your bicycles was normal (mainstream) and not something cool, healthy and accountable by an app. We were not born digital, Digital born with us.

Can you expect here? If you have reached this post, either you love technology or you do love experiences, all this is about, technology, experiences :)  but what is really that? What does it mean?

Nowadays everything is technology related, and everything is life and life is experiences. We will write about technology and all it is around (startups, marketing, businesses, analytics, UX, health...) through the experiences we do live.

You read well and twice, "we". I cannot expect less from you than desire and collaboration here through your experience.

I had my first computer when I was ten (a Cyrix MII ) I created and sold my first webpage with 14 years old to a theatre group. I used to be and I am a Software Engineer (Developer) and love to code. I am a Consultant, and love to help and advise. I am a CTO in a startup and love to learn and inspire .

System.out.println("Hello world!");